Tuesday, August 31, 2004


When you reach those days in your life where you run out of steam, who do you blame? When you feel that your spirit isn't growing as it should, what do you do?

Some people blame their circumstances. We start looking for books, education, knowledge, facts, plans, procedures.

But I still find myself in this funk. I don't have anyone to blame but myself. I have the wonders of the universe in the palm of my hand, and yet I do nothing with them. No wonder they've gone stale.

But what do you really do when thing get stale? If it were anything else in this disposable society, you would throw it away and start over. Some people think they can do just that by leaving families, running away. But in the end you still have the same life you've always had. Ironically, you have to learn to live with the life you've been given. And if you've let that life get stale, you have to find some way to put freshness into it.

But this doesn't get us any close to a how. How do you re-fresh your life? Honestly, I don't know. But I intend to find out.

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