Wednesday, July 25, 2007


Sean Carter knows how powerful a child's prayer can be. BTW - PRAISE GOD FOR LILLIE!!!

I have two boys (one is almost four; the other is about three months old), and I can soooo relate to Sean's posts about Lillie. I cannot wait for the day that I'm singing and high-fiving about my kids' salvation. I'm like many Christian parents; walking the tightrope of raising kids up in the way of the Lord, and allowing them to find their own way.

Last night, at prayer time, my oldest said he wanted to pray for his boo-boo (a scratch on his leg from a few days ago). We've always had a hard time getting him to pray on his own, so I didn't expect him to pray on his own. I said "Prayer hands; repeat after me."

Well, off he went:
Dear God,
Thank you for boo-boos, and making them better. Thank you for healing it up. Watch over me tonight, and keep me safe, so I don't get more boo-boos. Amen

Couldn't have said it better myself.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Aren't children a great picture of faith? I appreciate you writing and your depth. Keep chasing the one who loves you best!