Thursday, February 08, 2007

It is useless for you to fight against my will

My three year old son has been throwing a lot of fits lately. It's time for bed, but he wants to play. It's time to go, he wants to stay. Basically he wants to do the opposite of whatever it is time to do!

This always works against him. He starts kicking and screaming, he gets a time-out. He starts knocking over furniture and tearing up his stuff, he gets in big trouble.

How often do we act that way with God? He has His plan; something better for us than we can imagine. Yet like a kid who can't get his way we kick, scream, and break stuff.

Thankfully God is a loving Father. He may give us a time-out. He may smack us upside the head. But He is patient, and will guide us back into His will.

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